Hearing Protection

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Hearing Protection Tips

We live in a society that can be very noisy at times. Some of the noise we have no control over and some of the noise is individually created and which we can control. Below are some tips that can be used to protect our ears from the harmful effects of noise.

Wear hearing protectors when exposed to any loud or potentially damaging noise at work, in the community (heavy traffic, rock concerts, hunting, etc.) or at home (mowing the lawn, snow blowing the driveway, etc.). Cotton in your ears won't work. Hearing protectors include ear muffs and ear plugs (not swimmer's plugs), some that are custom-made and individually molded. This protection can be purchased at drug stores, sporting goods stores or can be custom-made. Check with your audiologist to find out what best suits you.

 Limit periods of exposure to noise. Don't sit next to the speakers at concerts, discos, or auditoriums. If you are at a rock concert, walk out for awhile give your ears a break ! If you are a musician, wear ear protection--it is a necessity! Take personal responsibility for your hearing.

Pump down the volume! When using stereo headsets or listening to amplified music in a confined place like a car, turn down the volume. Remember: if a friend can hear the music from your headset when standing three feet away, the volume is definitely too high. Don't be afraid to ask others to turn down the volume.

Inexpensive earplugs can be obtained at hardware store and supermarkets. Custom molded earplugs can also be obtained for maximum hearing protection and comfort.  Lyndhurst Audiology Associates can provide further information regarding hearing protection as well as fabricate custom ear protection.