Lyndhurst Audiology Associates

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Taking the First Step, to better hearing.....

By going to an audiologist, you have taken the first step to improving your hearing. If you are having trouble hearing you may have some or all of the following:

  • increased hearing trouble in large groups or noisy situations, where words are not clear
  • the need to frequently ask people to repeat themselves
  • aggravation when family members complain that the T.V is too loud
  • the feeling that other people "mumble" when they speak to you
  • confusion that you can hear people talk, but can understand clearly what is said

Because hearing loss tends to occur gradually over years, the full impact of hearing trouble is usually not known. Isolation from social activiteis can occur because hearing loss tends to limit their ability to enjoy and participate in conversations and activities.  According to a study by The National Council on Aging (May 1999), untreated hearing loss has serious emotional and social consequences for older persons. This study further reported that those with untreated hearing loss were more likely to report problems with depression, anxiety and paranoia and were less likely to participate in organized social activities.

Lyndhurst Audiology Associates     201-819-3707